Receiving Help
To reach the Radiation Safety Office during normal business hours (8a-5p), call 865-974-5580.
Radiation Emergencies
When an incident occurs, such as a fire, explosion, chemical exposure or other issue that presents a need for medical, fire, or police response.
- Call 911 (Fire, Medical, HazMat)
- or 865-974-3111 for UT Police
Urgent Needs Requiring Immediate Assistance from Radiation Safety Staff
Urgent needs can include spill response or personal contamination.
- Normal business hours (8a-5p): 865-974-5580
- Outside business hours (24/7) or if unable to contact the main number: Contact EHS One-Call 865-974-9586
In the event that the EHS One-Call number is unanswered please contact:
- UTPD 865-974-3111 or 911 for emergencies
- EHS Director and Campus Safety Officer Sandra Prior 757-876-5386 (cell) for non-emergencies.
Please continue to follow Risk Management protocols for reporting work-related injuries/illnesses and occurrences w/potential property damage. 865-974-5409 or