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Dosimeter Requests

To request a dosimeter, please complete the form listed below. Dosimeters are only issued to people who have completed the radiation safety training requirements for the type of ionizing radiation where they will work. Once complete, submit this form to our department for processing. It will take approximately one week before your dosimeter arrives at the university. Please plan and coordinate with radiation safety to have dosimetry ordered and received prior to beginning work with ionizing radiation sources. Extra dosimeters may not be available for use.

The assignment of the type of dosimeter and frequency of exchange will be determined by Radiation Safety.  Each research group or department will have their dosimeters assigned into Series Codes based on how they want to handle billing and internal distribution of the devices.

New pricing went into effect on 10/01/2023.

Quarterly Gamma/Beta Whole Body Dosimeter (1-7 individuals monitored in series code) $4.75 each
Quarterly Gamma/Beta Whole Body Dosimeter (8-20 individuals monitored in series code) $4.05 each
Quarterly Gamma/Beta Whole Body Dosimeter (21+ individuals monitored in series code) $3.80 each
Quarterly Neutron Whole Body Dosimeter (1-5 individuals monitored in series code) $10.90 each
Quarterly Neutron Whole Body Dosimeter (6-10 individuals monitored in series code) $10.75 each
Quarterly Neutron Whole Body Dosimeter (11+ individuals monitored in series code) $10.50 each
Quarterly Ring Dosimeter $3.90 each
Monthly Gamma/Beta Whole Body Dosimeter $2.95 each
Monthly Ring Dosimeter $2.85 each
Monthly Neutron Whole Body Dosimeter $9.15 each
Annual occupational dose record per individual monitored $4.85 each

**Lost or Late returned (90+ days) dosimeters: $25 per individual or $8.77 for late/lost whole body dosimeters and $9.40 for late/lost extremity dosimetry for federal projects.

You can view your processed dosimeter readings at any time through the Landauer website. You will need your current dosimeter with you to enter the serial numbers printed on the device.

Landauer website

The username for the university account is: UTKRadiationdose

The password is: Dosimeter

The dose data is categorized based on the federal occupational dose limits.  Any dose measured on spare dosimeters is transferred over to the person once their official dosimeter is issued. There is a glossary on the webpage that will describe the various terms on the page. If you have any further questions about accessing your results or how to interpret them, please contact the department.

If one of these conditions applies:

  • You no longer need a dosimeter.
  • Your name has changed.
  • You will be working for a different P.I.

Please complete the form below and submit it to our office.

If you need information about the radiation exposure you received while working at UT, please submit a request for your occupational radiation exposure.  Information needed will include the dates you were monitored, the principal investigator you worked for, and your contact information.


RSF-058 Dosimeter Request Form

Dosimeter Deletion Form

RSF-056 Radiation Exposure History Release